Mike Meyers' A+ certification lab manual / Michael Meyers, Cary Dier. - Student ed.. - New York McGraw-Hill 2001. - viii, 253p. ill. 24cm
Includes index p.245 - 253
Computer technicians--Certification
Computing Technology Industry Association--Examinations--Study guides
Microcomputers--Maintenance and repair--Examinations--Study guides
621.3916076 MEY 2001
Mike Meyers' A+ certification lab manual / Michael Meyers, Cary Dier. - Student ed.. - New York McGraw-Hill 2001. - viii, 253p. ill. 24cm
Includes index p.245 - 253
Computer technicians--Certification
Computing Technology Industry Association--Examinations--Study guides
Microcomputers--Maintenance and repair--Examinations--Study guides
621.3916076 MEY 2001